Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 70.0 Nm, Io = 45.6 A, nn = 3000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8073-wTy1Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 95.0 Nm, Io = 66.5 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling
Details about : AM8073-wUyAServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 95.0 Nm, Io = 66.5 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling, with holding brake
Details about : AM8073-wUyBServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 95.0 Nm, Io = 66.5 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling IP65
Details about : AM8073-wUyCServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 95.0 Nm, Io = 66.5 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling IP65, with holding brake
Details about : AM8073-wUyDServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 17.9 A, nn = 1000 min-1
Details about : AM8074-wNy0Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 17.9 A, nn = 1000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wNy1Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 34.9 A, nn = 2000 min-1
Details about : AM8074-wRy0Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 34.9 A, nn = 2000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wRy1Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 25.8 A, nn = 1000 min-1, forced cooling
Details about : AM8074-wRyAServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 25.8 A, nn = 1000 min-1, forced cooling, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wRyBServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 25.8 A, nn = 1000 min-1, forced cooling IP65
Details about : AM8074-wRyCServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 25.8 A, nn = 1000 min-1, forced cooling IP65, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wRyDServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 49.8 A, nn = 2500 min-1
Details about : AM8074-wTy0Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 92 Nm, Io = 49.8 A, nn = 2500 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wTy1Servomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 49.4 A, nn = 2000 min-1, forced cooling
Details about : AM8074-wTyAServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 49.4 A, nn = 2000 min-1, forced cooling, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wTyBServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 49.4 A, nn = 2000 min-1, forced cooling IP65
Details about : AM8074-wTyCServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 49.4 A, nn = 2000 min-1, forced cooling IP65, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wTyDServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 69.2 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling
Details about : AM8074-wUyAServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 69.2 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wUyBServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 69.2 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling IP65
Details about : AM8074-wUyCServomotor, 400 V AC, Mo = 129 Nm, Io = 69.2 A, nn = 3000 min-1, forced cooling IP65, with holding brake
Details about : AM8074-wUyDshaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference w = 1shaft with IP65 sealing ring and smooth shaft (not for AM801x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference w = 2shaft with IP65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather key (not for AM801x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference w = 3shaft with IP65 sealing ring, smooth shaft and sealing air connection (not for AM801x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference w = 4shaft with IP65 sealing ring, shaft with groove and feather key and sealing air connection (not for AM801x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference w = 5One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, 18 bit resolution
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = 1One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, 18 bit resolution
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = 22-cable standard: feedback multi-turn, absoulte encoder SKM36, 128 sincos periods (only for AM806x and AM807x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = 4One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, resolution 23 bit (only for AM803x to AM807x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = AOne Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, resolution 23 bit (only for AM803x to AM807x)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = BOne Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, resolution 24 bit, SIL 2 (Mandatory for TwinSAFE safe motion functions at AX8xxx-x2xx)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = GOne Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, resolution 24 bit, SIL 2 (Mandatory for TwinSAFE safe motion functions at AX8xxx-x2xx)
Details about : AM80uv-wxyz order reference y = HServomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.20 Nm, Io = 2.85 A, nn = 4000 min-1
Details about : AM8111-wFy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.20 Nm, Io = 2.85 A, nn = 4000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8111-wFy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.38 Nm, Io = 4.70 A, nn = 4500 min-1
Details about : AM8112-wFy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.38 Nm, Io = 4.70 A, nn = 4500 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8112-wFy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.52 Nm, Io = 4.80 A, nn = 3000 min-1
Details about : AM8113-wFy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.52 Nm, Io = 4.80 A, nn = 3000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8113-wFy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.5 Nm, Io = 4 A, nn = 3000 min-1
Details about : AM8121-wFy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.5 Nm, Io = 4 A, nn = 3000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8121-wFy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.8 Nm, Io = 4 A, nn = 2000 min-1
Details about : AM8122-wFy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.8 Nm, Io = 4 A, nn = 2000 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8122-wFy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.8 Nm, Io = 8.0 A, nn = 4500 min-1
Details about : AM8122-wJy0Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0.8 Nm, Io = 8.0 A, nn = 4500 min-1, with holding brake
Details about : AM8122-wJy1Servomotor, 24…48 V DC, Mo = 0,80 Nm, Io =13,5 A, nn = 8000 min-1
Details about : AM8122-wNy0Beckhoff Automation bietet eine umfangreiche Palette von Produkten für die industrielle Automatisierung. Hier sind einige der besten Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Beckhoff-Produkte:
Industrielle PC-Steuerungen: Beckhoffs Industrie-PCs sind für anspruchsvolle Steuerungsaufgaben in der Fertigung und Prozessindustrie konzipiert. Sie bieten eine hohe Rechenleistung, sind robust und können unter extremen Bedingungen betrieben werden.
SPS-Steuerungen: Beckhoffs TwinCAT-Softwarelösung verwandelt jeden kompatiblen PC in eine Hochleistungs-SPS. Dies eignet sich besonders für komplexe Maschinensteuerungen und Prozesssteuerungen.
EtherCAT: Als schnelles, offenes Echtzeit-Ethernet-System bietet EtherCAT von Beckhoff eine schnelle Datenkommunikation für Steuerungen. Es eignet sich besonders für Anwendungen, die eine schnelle und präzise Kommunikation zwischen Sensoren, Aktoren und Steuerungen erfordern.
I/O-Systeme: Beckhoff bietet modulare und skalierbare I/O-Systeme, die für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen in der Fertigungs- und Prozessautomatisierung geeignet sind.
Antriebstechnik: Mit seinen Servoantrieben und Motoren bietet Beckhoff Lösungen für präzise Bewegungssteuerungen in Maschinen und Anlagen.
Gebäudeautomatisierung: Beckhoff-Produkte können auch für die Automatisierung von Gebäudefunktionen wie Heizung, Lüftung, Klimatisierung, Beleuchtung und Sicherheit eingesetzt werden.
Mess- und Testanwendungen: Beckhoff-Systeme bieten präzise Messungen und sind ideal für Testanwendungen in Forschung und Entwicklung sowie in der Qualitätskontrolle.
Besondere Branchenanwendungen: Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität und Vielseitigkeit werden Beckhoff-Produkte in einer Vielzahl von Branchen eingesetzt, darunter Automobil, Lebensmittel und Getränke, Verpackung, Energie und viele andere.
Beckhoffs Philosophie der offenen Systeme und seine umfangreiche Produktpalette machen es zu einer guten Wahl für viele industrielle Automatisierungsanwendungen. Das Unternehmen hat einen Ruf für Qualität und Innovation und seine Produkte sind bekannt für ihre Robustheit und Zuverlässigkeit.