Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP3x12 up to CP3x24, without integrated USB socket IP65 at the rear side, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.
Details about : C9900-M419Toolboard for keyboard, mouse or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP3x12 up to CP3x24, with integrated 2-port USB A socket IP65 at the rear side and cable channel for mouse and keyboard cables on the rear side, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.
Details about : C9900-M423Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Bernstein CS-2000 SL part no. 101.5.2510.00, 101.5.2520.00, 101.5.2530.00, 101.5.2540.00, cable installation through the mounting arm
Details about : C9900-M428Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 75 x 75 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplane
Details about : C9900-M433Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 100 x 100 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplane
Details about : C9900-M434Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rittal coupling CP6206.490, cables installed through the mounting arm
Details about : C9900-M435Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210 or C9900-E211. Can be ordered only together with one module.
Details about : C9900-M568Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210 or C9900-E211. Can be ordered only together with two modules.
Details about : C9900-M569Connector bracket for one serial port module C9900-E209, C9900-E210 or C9900-E211, to be mounted inside a C66xx in front of the ATX connector bracket. Can only be ordered in combination with a module.
Details about : C9900-M5713 additional 5¼-inch drive slots inside the 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5240
Details about : C9900-M578wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120, C9900-U122 and C9900-U124
Details about : C9900-M623mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
Details about : C9900-M653mounting plate for lateral installation of the C601x; single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M665mounting plate with DIN rail mounting adapter for C601x, instead of standard mounting plate
Details about : C9900-M666mounting plate with DIN rail mounting adapter for C601x; single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M667mounting plate for lateral installation of the C603x; single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M669Mounting plate made of black anodized aluminum for mounting the UPS on the control cabinet wall, suitable for CU8110-0120, CU8130-0120 and CU8130-0240
Details about : C9900-M675mounting plate for lateral installation of the C602x; separate part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M683mounting plate with DIN rail mounting adapter for C602x, instead of standard mounting plate
Details about : C9900-M684mounting plate with DIN rail mounting adapter for C602x; single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M685bracket for mounting an EtherCAT P Box directly to the Industrial PC C7015, separate part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M688installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front side
Details about : C9900-M710telescope rails for C5210 and C5240, rails including bracket set for 19-inch rack assembly
Details about : C9900-M712Holder welded on a tube (length: 1.50 m, diameter: 48.3 mm) for C9900-M759 mounting arm adapter, stainless steel, 1.4404, matt ground with grain size 240, single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M735Holder for C9900-M759 mounting arm adapter, stainless steel, 1.4404, matt ground with grain size 240, must be welded, single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M736rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Control Panel CP3912 to CP3924 for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top
Details about : C9900-M750rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Control Panel CP3912 to CP3924 for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom
Details about : C9900-M751rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Control Panel CP3912 to CP3924 with push-button extension C9900-Gxxx for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top
Details about : C9900-M752rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Control Panel CP3912 to CP3924 with push-button extension C9900-Gxxx for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom
Details about : C9900-M753Rotatable mounting arm adapter, stainless steel, 1.4404, matt ground with grain size 240, mounting arm installation from top or bottom. Single part, not mounted. A separate tube holder is required for mounting: C9900-M735 holder with welded-on tube or C9900-M736 tube holder, single part, not mounted.
Details about : C9900-M759Rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PCs CP32xx-16xx, CP37xx-16xx, CPX37xx or Control Panels CP39xx with option C9900-M338 or C9900-M362. Suitable for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube, wiring through the mounting arm. For mounting 4 M6 threaded holes at a distance of 100 x 100 mm and 70 x 130 mm. Vertical orientation can be changed by the customer. The tilt can be locked with a clamping lever. Not mounted at the factory.
Details about : C9900-M761Rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PCs CP37xx-16xx, CPX37xx or Control Panels CP39xx with option C9900-M338 or C9900-M362. Suitable for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube, wiring through the mounting arm. For mounting 4 M6 threaded holes at a distance of 100 x 100 mm and 70 x 130 mm. Vertical orientation can be changed by the customer. Not mounted at the factory.
Details about : C9900-M763Adapter plate for C9900-M759 mounting arm adapter, stainless steel, 1.4404, matt ground with grain size 240, for tilting the Control Panel by +10° or -10°, single part, not mounted
Details about : C9900-M764screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connection
Details about : C9900-M93124 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
Details about : C9900-P20824 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
Details about : C9900-P209redundant ATX power supply for C5102 and C5240, 100-240 V AC, 450 W, instead of standard power supply
Details about : C9900-P313Spare connector for the power supply of the CU81xx UPS series. Two 9-pin connectors with push-in connection for cables with a cross-section of 0.14 mm² to 1.5 mm² or AWG26 to AWG16.
Details about : C9900-P950memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
Details about : C9900-R230memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
Details about : C9900-R231memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
Details about : C9900-R232memory extension to 4 GB DDR3 RAM, instead of 2 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system or only 3 GB are addressable
Details about : C9900-R249memory extension to 8 GB DDR3 RAM, instead of 2 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
Details about : C9900-R250memory extension to 4 GB DDR3L RAM, instead of 2 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system or only 3 GB are addressable
Zolltarifnummer: 84733080
Herkunft: DE
Details about : C9900-R257Beckhoff Automation bietet eine umfangreiche Palette von Produkten für die industrielle Automatisierung. Hier sind einige der besten Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Beckhoff-Produkte:
Industrielle PC-Steuerungen: Beckhoffs Industrie-PCs sind für anspruchsvolle Steuerungsaufgaben in der Fertigung und Prozessindustrie konzipiert. Sie bieten eine hohe Rechenleistung, sind robust und können unter extremen Bedingungen betrieben werden.
SPS-Steuerungen: Beckhoffs TwinCAT-Softwarelösung verwandelt jeden kompatiblen PC in eine Hochleistungs-SPS. Dies eignet sich besonders für komplexe Maschinensteuerungen und Prozesssteuerungen.
EtherCAT: Als schnelles, offenes Echtzeit-Ethernet-System bietet EtherCAT von Beckhoff eine schnelle Datenkommunikation für Steuerungen. Es eignet sich besonders für Anwendungen, die eine schnelle und präzise Kommunikation zwischen Sensoren, Aktoren und Steuerungen erfordern.
I/O-Systeme: Beckhoff bietet modulare und skalierbare I/O-Systeme, die für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen in der Fertigungs- und Prozessautomatisierung geeignet sind.
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Mess- und Testanwendungen: Beckhoff-Systeme bieten präzise Messungen und sind ideal für Testanwendungen in Forschung und Entwicklung sowie in der Qualitätskontrolle.
Besondere Branchenanwendungen: Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität und Vielseitigkeit werden Beckhoff-Produkte in einer Vielzahl von Branchen eingesetzt, darunter Automobil, Lebensmittel und Getränke, Verpackung, Energie und viele andere.
Beckhoffs Philosophie der offenen Systeme und seine umfangreiche Produktpalette machen es zu einer guten Wahl für viele industrielle Automatisierungsanwendungen. Das Unternehmen hat einen Ruf für Qualität und Innovation und seine Produkte sind bekannt für ihre Robustheit und Zuverlässigkeit.